45 comments on “Select-A-Sim and Create-A-Sim cracked

  1. Awesome! I’ve been tracking the progress on the wiki page for a while now. A while ago I made a node.js server to provide a dummy select-a-sim server, and was surprised that it actually worked so easily.

  2. I’m a new comer to this project, and can I just say that I Loooove what you are doing. Unfortunately, I was a bit too young to play TSO when it was popular (I’m only 17 now) and i was really disappointed that I never had a chance to experience it. I wish you the best and keep up the great work!

  3. I don’t understand, why can’t you just make a server emulator? Why do you want to rewrite the entire game?

    • @Luca obviously so we can add our own objects that are still missing in the game from all the other sims 1 expansions, even create our own animations/emotes if i’m not mistaken :D

      • Doubt it about the animations/emotes.

        And i don’t think EA-Land had the right stuff to add our own objects in.

        All i know is that EA-Land could only add your own photos in. (Correct me if i’m wrong.)

  4. Afr0’s has been down for the past week…..better start backin up your files Fatbag before they find u! :(

  5. Oh wow I’m so excited about this!! I’ve been waiting for a reboot/cracked server FOREVER. I started playing this game when I was 9 … the best!

  6. I followed all the directions. I changed the server names and changed the numbers in the dlls with a hex editor, but when I try to login with the Sims Online Update Utility, using the asdf username and the hjkl password, I receive the following:

    EA is currently experiencing technical difficulties and this game is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. (INV – 199)

    • I clarified the instructions just now. You’re supposed to run TSOClient.exe after you make the modifications, not the updater utility. Thanks for pointing that out!

      • Thank you!
        I had to reinstall but everything works like a charm now. So cool to be back in Create-A-Sim. Ultimate nostalgia, lol!

  7. I can’t seem to get onto the map with the Sim that’s already there.

    Also, my Sim isn’t being created, it’s taking too long.

    What do i need to do on cityserver.exe?

  8. Hi i dont know how to patch the dlls.
    Here the step
    Since I’d rather not pay for HTTPS hosting, you’ll have to make a binary patch to 3 DLLs using a hex editor (such as wxHexEditor, Ghex, or Frhed) to connect over HTTP. (If you decide to connect to a different server that supports HTTPS, you can skip these modifications.)

    Make a backup of authlogin.dll. Then open it with a hex editor. Replace the 5 bytes “68 00 30 C0 84″ (in version 1.1097.1.0 these appear at offset 0×8325) with “68 00 00 40 84″.
    Make a backup of TSOServiceClientD.dll. Then open it with a hex editor. Replace the 8 bytes “68 74 74 70 73 3A 2F 2F” (in version 1.1097.1.0 these appear at offset 0x923C0) with “68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 00″.
    Make a backup of InternetServiceD.dll. Then open it with a hex editor. Replace the 7 bytes “74 07 68 BB 01 00 00″ (in version 1.1097.1.0 these appear at offset 0x17B2) with “EB 07 68 BB 01 00 00″. Not all versions of the game contain this code (play test and EA-Land do not), so for those versions, this file should remain untouched.
    i cant find the offsets
    With what Hex editor it works?

    • Download wxHexEditor (which is what I used)

      I typed into Google “0x8325 to decimal”, pressed Edit>Jump to Offset in wxHexEditor, and then typed in my result (33573), selecting “search by decimal” because that’s what worked for me

      then look for the hex codes you have to edit, save the DLLs, and ran the client

      remember you can only run create-a-sim and select-a-sim, trying to load a city will freeze the loading screen at 64%

  9. I can get into the game but when I try to create-a-sims, it says error: lost server connection. How can I fix this?

  10. All this Hex codes, and .dll code changes are too complicated for us “non-tech people” I wish there was an easier way :(

  11. Oh yeah, just forwarding my last comment. Why don’t you just update The Sims Online or just make a video tutorial. Besides, I forgot my TSO installation folder. If does kind of sound easy in the instructions but I can’t find the files you are talking about. SO JUST CHOOSE: UPDATE TSO OR MAKE A VIDEO TUTORIAL! I SPENT TIME WAITING FOR THIS TO DOWNLOAD THEN IT TRASHES ME WITH AN ERROR.

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