The large majority of the new HTML5 z-buffer calculator (on the right) was programmed by RHY3756547. I added alpha-blending and went over the geometry again to fix some minor issues.
The game doesn’t use true isometric projection. The camera’s image is actually vertically compressed a little bit so that each tile’s width is exactly twice its height, instead of height*sqrt(3). This allows each tile to have power-of-2 dimensions for easy uploading to the graphics card.
Link to the calculator:
(Use the arrow keys)
Meanwhile, I’ve been working on IFF reading support. I’ve just made a basic command-line utility, iffexport, to extract all of the chunks from a given IFF file. My next task is to learn all of the chunk formats and document them on Niotso Wiki.
I haven’t started chunk-parsing yet, so at the moment the only screenshots I can offer are catalog thumbnails, which are stored in plain BMP format. See below:
It’s funny how the isometric engine was always planned but never done in tso restoration. IFF reading will be fantastic, seeing as they contain pretty much everything.
Never done?
That’s just a blank lot though. I’m referring to the long time that it was in planning and never got started (until it did by nicholas)
Good , good! keep us updated and I pray deeply for a demo in the near future!
I can test Niosto, and i can help with a dutch version of Niotzo, more info:
I am a big fan of this project, and i hef maked on FB a Dutch Fan page: