Entries: 43 (1/43): AssetLoad (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): LoadOptimization -> FastLoad (2/43): AutonomyCities (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): 1 -> Betaville (3/43): BuildableArea (Pairs: 54) * (1/54): Lotclass_1_width -> 12 * (2/54): Lotclass_1_height -> 12 * (3/54): Lotclass_2_width -> 20 * (4/54): Lotclass_2_height -> 20 * (5/54): Lotclass_3_width -> 26 * (6/54): Lotclass_3_height -> 26 * (7/54): Lotclass_4_width -> 31 * (8/54): Lotclass_4_height -> 31 * (9/54): Lotclass_5_width -> 35 * (10/54): Lotclass_5_height -> 35 * (11/54): Lotclass_6_width -> 39 * (12/54): Lotclass_6_height -> 39 * (13/54): Lotclass_7_width -> 43 * (14/54): Lotclass_7_height -> 43 * (15/54): Lotclass_8_width -> 46 * (16/54): Lotclass_8_height -> 46 * (17/54): Lotclass_9_width -> 64 * (18/54): Lotclass_9_height -> 64 * (19/54): Lotclass_1_expansion_fee -> 000 * (20/54): Lotclass_2_expansion_fee -> 2000 * (21/54): Lotclass_3_expansion_fee -> 3500 * (22/54): Lotclass_4_expansion_fee -> 6500 * (23/54): Lotclass_5_expansion_fee -> 10000 * (24/54): Lotclass_6_expansion_fee -> 18000 * (25/54): Lotclass_7_expansion_fee -> 30000 * (26/54): Lotclass_8_expansion_fee -> 60000 * (27/54): Lotclass_9_expansion_fee -> 120000 * (28/54): Lotclass_1_penalty_fee -> 2000 * (29/54): Lotclass_2_penalty_fee -> 4500 * (30/54): Lotclass_3_penalty_fee -> 7500 * (31/54): Lotclass_4_penalty_fee -> 15000 * (32/54): Lotclass_5_penalty_fee -> 22000 * (33/54): Lotclass_6_penalty_fee -> 40000 * (34/54): Lotclass_7_penalty_fee -> 70000 * (35/54): Lotclass_8_penalty_fee -> 120000 * (36/54): Lotclass_9_penalty_fee -> 0 * (37/54): Lotclass_1_min_tenants -> 1 * (38/54): Lotclass_2_min_tenants -> 2 * (39/54): Lotclass_3_min_tenants -> 3 * (40/54): Lotclass_4_min_tenants -> 4 * (41/54): Lotclass_5_min_tenants -> 5 * (42/54): Lotclass_6_min_tenants -> 6 * (43/54): Lotclass_7_min_tenants -> 7 * (44/54): Lotclass_8_min_tenants -> 8 * (45/54): Lotclass_9_min_tenants -> 8 * (46/54): Lotclass_1_tax -> 25 * (47/54): Lotclass_2_tax -> 50 * (48/54): Lotclass_3_tax -> 100 * (49/54): Lotclass_4_tax -> 200 * (50/54): Lotclass_5_tax -> 400 * (51/54): Lotclass_6_tax -> 800 * (52/54): Lotclass_7_tax -> 1600 * (53/54): Lotclass_8_tax -> 3200 * (54/54): Lotclass_9_tax -> 6400 (4/43): ChatDialog (Pairs: 4) * (1/4): DialogAlpha -> 200 * (2/4): ChatHistorySize -> 100 * (3/4): MonkeySpeakFrequency -> 10 * (4/4): Enabled -> 1 (5/43): ChatDisplay (Pairs: 6) * (1/6): MinTimeout -> 5000 ; base number of milliseconds avatar chat is displayed * (2/6): PerCharTime -> 100; ; number of milliseconds per character addition to the MinTimeout for the chat timeout * (3/6): MinCharLength -> 50; ; chat's less than this number of characters will timeout as if chat was this number of characters * (4/6): NominalUnit -> 50; ; Number of pixels in Unit (both X and Y) MUST >= SnapNominalUnits * (5/6): SnapNominalUnits -> 7; ; Number of NominalUnits to optimal postion be before instantly moving to the optimal position. * (6/6): ChatDecayTime -> 250; ; Time in milliseconds before moving one pixel when optimal distance is less than half a Nominal Unit (6/43): DecliningPayout (Pairs: 2) * (1/2): PayoutCounterRechargePeriod -> 600.0 * (2/2): PayoutCounterRechargeAmount -> 10.0 (7/43): DisabledFeatures (Pairs: 8) * (1/8): Stores -> 0 * (2/8): LeaseManager -> 0 * (3/8): RoommatePermissionsA -> 0 * (4/8): RoommatePermissionsADefaultBuildOff -> 0 * (5/8): RoommatePermissionsB -> 1 * (6/8): Relationships -> 1 * (7/8): NewAttributeCounting -> 0 * (8/8): WriteDietBlobs -> 0 ; If disabled, save as legacy version 14 (drw) (8/43): Friends (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): MaxFriendEnemy -> 5 (9/43): Gizmo_Filter_Results (Pairs: 4) * (1/4): Max_Sim_Filter_Results -> 20 * (2/4): Max_Property_Filter_Results -> 10 * (3/4): Max_Where_Ive_Been_Filter_Results -> 10 * (4/4): Max_Neighborhoods_Filter_Results -> 10 (10/43): HardCoreCities (Pairs: 2) * (1/2): CityName1 -> Dragon's Cove * (2/2): CityName2 -> ML Sand 4 (11/43): Harvest Component Table (Pairs: 15) * (1/15): 0 -> 6,0,3 ; kBuildModeTypeDoor * (2/15): 1 -> 5,4,3 ; kBuildModeTypeWindow * (3/15): 2 -> 8,0,2 ; kBuildModeTypeStair * (4/15): 3 -> 10,0,0 ; kBuildModeTypePlants * (5/15): 4 -> 2,0,4 ; kBuildModeTypeFireplace * (6/15): 12 -> 6,8,2 ; kBuyModeTypeSeating * (7/15): 13 -> 7,1,2 ; kBuyModeTypeSurfaces * (8/15): 14 -> 4,1,8 ; kBuyModeTypeAppliances * (9/15): 15 -> 3,1,10 ; kBuyModeTypeElectronics * (10/15): 17 -> 4,2,2 ; kBuyModeTypeDecorative * (11/15): 16 -> 5,1,6 ; kBuyModeTypeSkillAndJob * (12/15): 19 -> 2,1,6 ; kBuyModeTypeLighting * (13/15): 18 -> 3,3,3 ; kBuyModeTypeGeneral * (14/15): 20 -> 3,3,3 ; kBuyModeTypePets * (15/15): 29 -> 3,3,3 ; kSpecialBuildBuyType (12/43): HouseUnload (Pairs: 5) * (1/5): ShutdownDelay -> 30 * (2/5): SavePolicyCheckTimeMin -> 45 ; All times are in seconds * (3/5): SavePolicyCheckTimeMax -> 75 * (4/5): SavePolicyTimeMin -> 840 ; 14 minutes in seconds. drw 11/21/02 - delay house saves. * (5/5): SavePolicyTimeMax -> 1080 ; 18 minutes in seconds. drw 11/21/02 - delay house saves. (13/43): Inventory (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): kMoveToInventoryAgeIncrement -> 4 (14/43): InventoryRestrictions (Pairs: 2) * (1/2): InventoryLimit -> 30 ; If the InventoryLimit is a fraction between 0 and 1, then the InventoryLimit is the percentage of the ObjectLimit (allows growth of the inventory limits) * (2/2): ForbiddenGUIs -> 0x3BDB8294,0x3B658056,0x3B75F7DB,0x481AAABE,0x8AEE7F0F,0; A comma delimited list of object GUIDs (in hex) that are not allowed to be traded. NOTE: Guid of 0 (zero) wil (15/43): JobBodyAssets (Pairs: 24) * (1/24): RobotAMale -> 0x000005870000000D ; mab200_rf__rbtwrkr_ind.oft * (2/24): RobotBMale -> 0x000005890000000D ; mab204_rf__rbtwrkr_ftr.oft * (3/24): RobotCMale -> 0x000005880000000D ; mab202_rf__rbtwrkr_atmc.oft * (4/24): RobotAFemale -> 0x000005780000000D ; fab201_rf__rbtwrkr_ind.oft * (5/24): RobotBFemale -> 0x0000057A0000000D ; fab206_rf__rbtwrkr_ftr.oft * (6/24): RobotCFemale -> 0x000005790000000D ; fab203_rf__rbtwrkr_atmc.oft * (7/24): WaiterAMale -> 0x0000058B0000000D ; mab209_rt__wait_diner.oft * (8/24): WaiterBMale -> 0x0000058D0000000D ; mab213_rt__wait_casual.oft * (9/24): WaiterCMale -> 0x0000058E0000000D ; mab215_rt__wait_swank.oft * (10/24): WaiterAFemale -> 0x0000057C0000000D ; fab210_rt__wait_diner.oft * (11/24): WaiterBFemale -> 0x0000057E0000000D ; fab214_rt__wait_casual.oft * (12/24): WaiterCFemale -> 0x0000057F0000000D ; fab216_rt__wait_swank.oft * (13/24): DJAMale -> 0x000005900000000D ; mab219_nc__disco_dj.oft * (14/24): DJBMale -> 0x000005940000000D ; mab227_nc__tv_dj.oft * (15/24): DJCMale -> 0x000005920000000D ; mab223_nc__hip_dj.oft * (16/24): DJAFemale -> 0x000005810000000D ; fab221_nc__disco_dj.oft * (17/24): DJBFemale -> 0x000005850000000D ; fab229_nc__tv_dj.oft * (18/24): DJCFemale -> 0x000005830000000D ; fab225_nc__hip_dj.oft * (19/24): DancerAMale -> 0x000005910000000D ; mab220_nc__disco_dncr.oft * (20/24): DancerBMale -> 0x000005950000000D ; mab228_nc__tv_dncr.oft * (21/24): DancerCMale -> 0x000005930000000D ; mab224_nc__hip_dncr.oft * (22/24): DancerAFemale -> 0x000005820000000D ; fab222_nc__disco_dncr.oft * (23/24): DancerBFemale -> 0x000005860000000D ; fab230_nc__tv_dncr.oft * (24/24): DancerCFemale -> 0x000005840000000D ; fab226_nc__hip_dncr.oft (16/43): JobTypeAvailabilities (Pairs: 5) * (1/5): RobotFactory -> 1 * (2/5): Waiter -> 1 * (3/5): Cook -> 0 * (4/5): DJ -> 1 * (5/5): Dancer -> 1 (17/43): LeaseManager (Pairs: 3) * (1/3): LeaseLifetime -> 150 ; lifetime of a "data" lease before it expires. (in seconds) * (2/3): MaxLeaseAttempts -> 20 ; the number of attempts we should make at trying to get a lease before we give up. * (3/3): LeaseAttemptPeriod -> 3000 ; how long we should wait in between attempts. (in milliseconds) (18/43): LotMotives (Pairs: 99) * (1/99): None_EnergyWeight -> 2.0 * (2/99): None_ComfortWeight -> 0.35 * (3/99): None_HungerWeight -> 0.9 * (4/99): None_HygieneWeight -> 0.4 * (5/99): None_BladderWeight -> 0.8 * (6/99): None_SocialWeight -> 2.0 * (7/99): None_FunWeight -> 0.6 * (8/99): Money_EnergyWeight -> 2.4 * (9/99): Money_ComfortWeight -> 0.42 * (10/99): Money_HungerWeight -> 1.08 * (11/99): Money_HygieneWeight -> 0.48 * (12/99): Money_BladderWeight -> 0.96 * (13/99): Money_SocialWeight -> 2.4 * (14/99): Money_FunWeight -> 0.72 * (15/99): Offbeat_EnergyWeight -> 1.8 * (16/99): Offbeat_ComfortWeight -> 0.315 * (17/99): Offbeat_HungerWeight -> 0.81 * (18/99): Offbeat_HygieneWeight -> 0.36 * (19/99): Offbeat_BladderWeight -> 0.72 * (20/99): Offbeat_SocialWeight -> 1.8 * (21/99): Offbeat_FunWeight -> 0.54 * (22/99): Romance_EnergyWeight -> 1.8 * (23/99): Romance_ComfortWeight -> 0.315 * (24/99): Romance_HungerWeight -> 0.81 * (25/99): Romance_HygieneWeight -> 0.36 * (26/99): Romance_BladderWeight -> 0.72 * (27/99): Romance_SocialWeight -> 1.8 * (28/99): Romance_FunWeight -> 0.54 * (29/99): Services_EnergyWeight -> 2.0 * (30/99): Services_ComfortWeight -> 0.35 * (31/99): Services_HungerWeight -> 0.9 * (32/99): Services_HygieneWeight -> 0.4 * (33/99): Services_BladderWeight -> 0.8 * (34/99): Services_SocialWeight -> 2.0 * (35/99): Services_FunWeight -> 0.6 * (36/99): Services_MotiveGainWeight -> 1.5 * (37/99): Shopping_EnergyWeight -> 1.9 * (38/99): Shopping_ComfortWeight -> 0.33 * (39/99): Shopping_HungerWeight -> 0.85 * (40/99): Shopping_HygieneWeight -> 0.38 * (41/99): Shopping_BladderWeight -> 0.76 * (42/99): Shopping_SocialWeight -> 1.9 * (43/99): Shopping_FunWeight -> 0.57 * (44/99): Skills_EnergyWeight -> 2.4 * (45/99): Skills_ComfortWeight -> 0.42 * (46/99): Skills_HungerWeight -> 1.08 * (47/99): Skills_HygieneWeight -> 0.48 * (48/99): Skills_BladderWeight -> 0.96 * (49/99): Skills_SocialWeight -> 2.4 * (50/99): Skills_FunWeight -> 0.72 * (51/99): Welcome_EnergyWeight -> 1.8 * (52/99): Welcome_ComfortWeight -> 0.315 * (53/99): Welcome_HungerWeight -> 0.81 * (54/99): Welcome_HygieneWeight -> 0.36 * (55/99): Welcome_BladderWeight -> 0.72 * (56/99): Welcome_SocialWeight -> 1.8 * (57/99): Welcome_FunWeight -> 0.54 * (58/99): Games_EnergyWeight -> 1.8 * (59/99): Games_ComfortWeight -> 0.315 * (60/99): Games_HungerWeight -> 0.81 * (61/99): Games_HygieneWeight -> 0.36 * (62/99): Games_BladderWeight -> 0.72 * (63/99): Games_SocialWeight -> 1.8 * (64/99): Games_FunWeight -> 0.54 * (65/99): Entertain_EnergyWeight -> 1.8 * (66/99): Entertain_ComfortWeight -> 0.315 * (67/99): Entertain_HungerWeight -> 0.81 * (68/99): Entertain_HygieneWeight -> 0.36 * (69/99): Entertain_BladderWeight -> 0.72 * (70/99): Entertain_SocialWeight -> 1.8 * (71/99): Entertain_FunWeight -> 0.54 * (72/99): Residence_EnergyWeight -> 2.0 * (73/99): Residence_ComfortWeight -> 0.35 * (74/99): Residence_HungerWeight -> 0.9 * (75/99): Residence_HygieneWeight -> 0.4 * (76/99): Residence_BladderWeight -> 0.8 * (77/99): Residence_SocialWeight -> 2.0 * (78/99): Residence_FunWeight -> 0.6 * (79/99): RobotFactory_EnergyWeight -> 2.4 * (80/99): RobotFactory_ComfortWeight -> 0.42 * (81/99): RobotFactory_HungerWeight -> 1.08 * (82/99): RobotFactory_HygieneWeight -> 0.48 * (83/99): RobotFactory_BladderWeight -> 0.96 * (84/99): RobotFactory_SocialWeight -> 2.4 * (85/99): RobotFactory_FunWeight -> 0.72 * (86/99): NightClub_EnergyWeight -> 2.4 * (87/99): NightClub_ComfortWeight -> 0.42 * (88/99): NightClub_HungerWeight -> 1.08 * (89/99): NightClub_HygieneWeight -> 0.48 * (90/99): NightClub_BladderWeight -> 0.96 * (91/99): NightClub_SocialWeight -> 2.4 * (92/99): NightClub_FunWeight -> 0.72 * (93/99): Restaurant_EnergyWeight -> 2.4 * (94/99): Restaurant_ComfortWeight -> 0.42 * (95/99): Restaurant_HungerWeight -> 1.08 * (96/99): Restaurant_HygieneWeight -> 0.48 * (97/99): Restaurant_BladderWeight -> 0.96 * (98/99): Restaurant_SocialWeight -> 2.4 * (99/99): Restaurant_FunWeight -> 0.72 (19/43): MapView (Pairs: 6) * (1/6): LetItSnow -> 1 * (2/6): NumSnowFlakes -> 2000 * (3/6): BigFlakesPercent -> 2 * (4/6): SnowStartDate -> 12/10/2004 * (5/6): SnowEndDate -> 01/06/2005 * (6/6): SnowFrequency -> 2 (20/43): MapViewCloseZoom (Pairs: 7) * (1/7): ScrollSpeed -> 64 * (2/7): MaxThumbnailsToCachePerCity -> 1200; * (3/7): AlphaGridEnabled -> 1 * (4/7): AlphaGridColorR -> 140 * (5/7): AlphaGridColorG -> 170 * (6/7): AlphaGridColorB -> 190 * (7/7): AlphaGridColor_HighestAlpha -> 200 (21/43): MapViewFarZoom (Pairs: 5) * (1/5): DimAlpha -> 100 * (2/5): AlphaGridColorR -> 140 * (3/5): AlphaGridColorG -> 170 * (4/5): AlphaGridColorB -> 190 * (5/5): AlphaGridColor_HighestAlpha -> 200 (22/43): MotivesTunning (Pairs: 3) * (1/3): MotiveRegenPerHour -> 5 * (2/3): MotiveCostMultiplier -> 0 * (3/3): MotiveLevelWhenDead -> -80 (23/43): Neighborhood (Pairs: 6) * (1/6): NewHouseStartHour -> 7 * (2/6): WeightOfHouseSizeInOverallScore -> 3 * (3/6): FillValueForLayoutHistory -> 200 * (4/6): YardScoreMultiplier -> 0.33 * (5/6): UpkeepPenaltyPerDirtyObject -> 6 * (6/6): UpkeepPenaltyPerBrokenObject -> 15 (24/43): NeighborhoodRadius (Pairs: 3) * (1/3): InitialNeighborhoodRadius -> 2 * (2/3): NeighborhoodFillPercentage -> 50 * (3/3): MaxNeighborhoodRadius -> 15 (25/43): ObjectDepreciation (Pairs: 3) * (1/3): InitialDepreciationPercent -> 2000 ; percentage of original object price to subtract from value on purchase * (2/3): DailyDepreciationPercent -> 100 ; percentage of original object price to subtract daily from object value * (3/3): DepreciationLimitPercent -> 2000 ; percentage of original object price that equals lowest object value (26/43): ObjectErrors (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): MaxObjectErrors -> 9 (27/43): ObjectLimit (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): PerLotObjectLimitForBuying -> 950 (28/43): ObjectPurchase (Pairs: 2) * (1/2): ObjectLimit -> 100 * (2/2): AgeFactor -> 7 (29/43): ObjectWearRepair (Pairs: 9) * (1/9): BreakPercentThreshold -> 5000 * (2/9): BreakStartProb -> 100 ; lowest probability object will break after value crosses break threshold (per qtr day 12/12/02) * (3/9): BreakEndProb -> 400 ; highest probability object will break after value crosses break threshold (per qtr day 12/12/02) * (4/9): RepairCostPercentPrice -> 1000 ; percent of current purchase price to repair object * (5/9): RepairSkillDiscount -> 5000 ; e.g. =50(%) * mech skill = %discount (e.g. 100% x 5 mech skill = cost% - (5% discount)) * (6/9): RepairExtendedSkillDiscount -> 2000 ; 2% discount for every skill level over 10... (caps at 80% discount) * (7/9): BreakSafeDays -> 7 ; must be in range [0-7] - number of Sim days object is guaranteed not to break following a completed repair * (8/9): BrokenImpactMultiplier -> 120 ; /100 -- e.g. 120=1.2 (120%) if roomimpact>0 then broken obj roomimpact = * (9/9): BrokenImpactFromPrice -> 75 ; /100% -- e.g. 75=0.75% if roomimpact==0 then broken obj roomimpact = (30/43): Price Modifiers (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): GlobalPriceModifier -> 100 (31/43): PropertyCategories (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): HoursPerCategoryChange -> 168 ; minimum num hrs required btwn changes to a lot's category (must be 0hr-240hr) (32/43): Relationships (Pairs: 9) * (1/9): QtrDayDeterioration -> 5 ; Objects Only... How many points each relationship magnitude deteriorates by per quarter simultion day. * (2/9): NoContactDeterioration -> 3 ; AVatars Only... How many points each relationship magnitude deteriorates by per calendar * (3/9): FlashMessageBoostFactor -> 1.0 * (4/9): ChatMessageBoostFactor -> 1.0 * (5/9): SocialRecordDropPeriod -> 1 * (6/9): MaxSocialRecords -> 7 * (7/9): MaxAvatarToAvatarRelationships -> 300 * (8/9): NumBonusSocials -> 7 * (9/9): BonusSocialFactor -> 2.0 (33/43): RoomScore (Pairs: 23) * (1/23): ObjectLightContributionFactor -> 30 * (2/23): AreaClipToScore -> 60 * (3/23): AreaScoreForZeroTiles -> 0 * (4/23): AreaScoreForClipTile -> 0 * (5/23): LightScoreForZero -> 0 * (6/23): LightScoreForOne -> 0 * (7/23): RoomImpactEffectiveAreaMin -> 10 * (8/23): RoomImpactEffectiveAreaMax -> 45 * (9/23): RoomImpactMultiplier -> 10 * (10/23): OutdoorRoomImpactFactor -> 2 * (11/23): OutdoorGoodObjectCountFactor -> 1 * (12/23): OutdoorObjectDivisor -> 3 * (13/23): OutdoorDaylightBonus -> 0 * (14/23): OutdoorDawnDuskBonus -> 0 * (15/23): OutdoorNighttimeBonus -> 0 * (16/23): OutdoorScoreOffset -> -15 * (17/23): InsideScoreOffset -> -10 * (18/23): GlobalOutdoorScoreOffset -> 0 * (19/23): GlobalInsideScoreOffset -> 0 * (20/23): FloorScoreForZeroPercent -> 0 * (21/23): FloorScoreForOneHundredPercent -> 0 * (22/23): WallScoreForZeroPercent -> 0 * (23/23): WallScoreForOneHundredPercent -> 0 (34/43): Roommates (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): MaxNumRoommates -> 8 // this information is stored in the DB - CMC TODO DB query to retrieve max (35/43): SASTimeout (Pairs: 3) * (1/3): TimeoutValue -> 900 * (2/3): FirstWarningTime -> 300 * (3/3): SecondWarningTime -> 120 (36/43): ScreenMacroDeterrent (Pairs: 4) * (1/4): MinTileShiftDist -> 1.0 ; Minimum tile width multiplier the screen macro deterrent will move the screen * (2/4): MaxTileShiftDist -> 3.0 ; Maximum tile width multiplier the screen macro deterrent will move the screen * (3/4): InitialDuration -> 60.0 ; Initial minutes the system will wait until it begins to shift * (4/4): ScreenShiftDuration -> 30.0 ; Number of minutes the system will wait (after the initial shift) before shifting the screen again (37/43): SimMotives (Pairs: 17) * (1/17): EnergySpan -> 180 * (2/17): EnergyDrift -> 0 * (3/17): WakeHours -> 20 * (4/17): WakeHour -> 7 * (5/17): HungerToBladderMultiplier -> 0.25 * (6/17): ComfortDecrementActive -> 0.4 * (7/17): ComfortDecrementLazy -> 0.6 * (8/17): HungerDecrementRatio -> 0.001429 * (9/17): SocialDecrementBase -> 0.1 * (10/17): SocialDecrementMultiplier -> 0.0004 * (11/17): SocialCompanyBonus -> 0.033 * (12/17): SocialCompanyCap -> 35 * (13/17): EntDecrementAwake -> 0.25 * (14/17): HygieneDecrementAwake -> 0.225 * (15/17): HygieneDecrementAsleep -> 0.2 * (16/17): BladderDecrementAwake -> 0.225 * (17/17): BladderDecrementAsleep -> 0.2 (38/43): Simulator (Pairs: 3) * (1/3): TicksPerServerConfirmation -> 15 * (2/3): MaxClientConnections -> 33 * (3/3): FunctionalScoreDistanceAttenuation -> 3 (39/43): SplashScreen (Pairs: 108) * (1/108): Date49 -> 10/25/2004 * (2/108): Asset49 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (3/108): Date50 -> 10/26/2004 * (4/108): Asset50 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (5/108): Date51 -> 10/27/2004 * (6/108): Asset51 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (7/108): Date52 -> 10/28/2004 * (8/108): Asset52 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (9/108): Date53 -> 10/29/2004 * (10/108): Asset53 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (11/108): Date54 -> 10/30/2004 * (12/108): Asset54 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (13/108): Date1 -> 10/31/2004 * (14/108): Asset1 -> 0x00000CDD00000001 * (15/108): Date2 -> 11/25/2004 * (16/108): Asset2 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (17/108): Date3 -> 11/26/2004 * (18/108): Asset3 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (19/108): Date4 -> 11/27/2004 * (20/108): Asset4 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (21/108): Date5 -> 11/28/2004 * (22/108): Asset5 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (23/108): Date6 -> 11/29/2004 * (24/108): Asset6 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (25/108): Date7 -> 11/30/2004 * (26/108): Asset7 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (27/108): Date8 -> 12/1/2004 * (28/108): Asset8 -> 0x00000CDE00000001 * (29/108): Date9 -> 12/10/2004 * (30/108): Asset9 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (31/108): Date10 -> 12/11/2004 * (32/108): Asset10 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (33/108): Date11 -> 12/12/2004 * (34/108): Asset11 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (35/108): Date12 -> 12/13/2004 * (36/108): Asset12 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (37/108): Date13 -> 12/14/2004 * (38/108): Asset13 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (39/108): Date14 -> 12/15/2004 * (40/108): Asset14 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (41/108): Date15 -> 12/16/2004 * (42/108): Asset15 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (43/108): Date16 -> 12/17/2004 * (44/108): Asset16 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (45/108): Date17 -> 12/18/2004 * (46/108): Asset17 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (47/108): Date18 -> 12/19/2004 * (48/108): Asset18 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (49/108): Date19 -> 12/20/2004 * (50/108): Asset19 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (51/108): Date20 -> 12/21/2004 * (52/108): Asset20 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (53/108): Date21 -> 12/22/2004 * (54/108): Asset21 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (55/108): Date22 -> 12/23/2004 * (56/108): Asset22 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (57/108): Date23 -> 12/24/2004 * (58/108): Asset23 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (59/108): Date24 -> 12/25/2004 * (60/108): Asset24 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (61/108): Date25 -> 12/26/2004 * (62/108): Asset25 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (63/108): Date26 -> 12/27/2004 * (64/108): Asset26 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (65/108): Date27 -> 12/28/2004 * (66/108): Asset27 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (67/108): Date28 -> 12/29/2004 * (68/108): Asset28 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (69/108): Date29 -> 12/30/2004 * (70/108): Asset29 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (71/108): Date30 -> 12/31/2004 * (72/108): Asset30 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (73/108): Date31 -> 1/1/2005 * (74/108): Asset31 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (75/108): Date32 -> 1/2/2005 * (76/108): Asset32 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (77/108): Date33 -> 1/3/2005 * (78/108): Asset33 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (79/108): Date34 -> 1/4/2005 * (80/108): Asset34 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (81/108): Date35 -> 1/5/2005 * (82/108): Asset35 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (83/108): Date36 -> 1/6/2005 * (84/108): Asset36 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (85/108): Date37 -> 1/7/2005 * (86/108): Asset37 -> 0x0000000200000018 * (87/108): Date38 -> 2/10/2004 * (88/108): Asset38 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (89/108): Date39 -> 2/11/2004 * (90/108): Asset39 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (91/108): Date40 -> 2/12/2004 * (92/108): Asset40 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (93/108): Date41 -> 2/13/2004 * (94/108): Asset41 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (95/108): Date42 -> 2/14/2004 * (96/108): Asset42 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (97/108): Date43 -> 2/15/2004 * (98/108): Asset43 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (99/108): Date44 -> 2/16/2004 * (100/108): Asset44 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (101/108): Date45 -> 2/17/2004 * (102/108): Asset45 -> 0x0000000100000018 * (103/108): Date46 -> 3/15/2004 * (104/108): Asset46 -> 0x0000000400000018 * (105/108): Date47 -> 3/16/2004 * (106/108): Asset47 -> 0x0000000400000018 * (107/108): Date48 -> 3/17/2004 * (108/108): Asset48 -> 0x0000000400000018 (40/43): Spotlights (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): MaxSpotlights -> 200 ; This is the maximum that the RoomServer will allow "on" in one city (41/43): Stores (Pairs: 7) * (1/7): DefaultSalePricePercent -> 100 * (2/7): NumObjectsForFullFunctionDiscount -> 10 * (3/7): MaxFunctionDiscount -> 40 * (4/7): NumObjectsForFullItemDiscount -> 5 * (5/7): MaxItemDiscount -> 35 * (6/7): MaxObjectUnitContribution -> 2000000000 ; max, effectively unbounded * (7/7): MinObjectUnitContribution -> 000 (42/43): VariableSkillLock (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): Enabled -> 1 (43/43): WinGizmo (Pairs: 1) * (1/1): StatusUpdatePeriod -> 120000